
Posts Tagged ‘manipulation’

For many, these past few years have been increasingly troubling times as we witness here in the US and other countries around the world falling backward with regard to their democracies, their purpose and values. Doubts have been casted against elected officials, newsmakers, and even what qualifies as a ‘fact.’

Though usually unshakeable in my faith, I have found myself figuratively scratching my head as I strive to make sense of the lies, misinformation, personal attacks and attacks upon the foundational beliefs of our Democracy.

It seems to me that this process of seeding doubts, causing confusion and stoking fear is an effective strategy to create division, weaken the people, then seize power and control.

This process is deliberate and insidious. This process is one of Psychological Manipulation and there are three components.

First, a Deceptive Idea is planted in the minds of people; this idea has elements of credibility that allows it to take hold because the basis of most effective lies involves some truth.

Second, identify a desire that is commonly help by people [e.g., security, love] then Distort that Desire in order to exploit it to achieve power and control.

Third, after taking over people’s minds and hearts, the End Game is to use your power and control in order to incite others to engage in Destructive Behavior — and this destructive behavior benefits only the people who steal the power and control to serve their selfish purposes.

The only way to avoid falling victim to this psychological manipulation is to know what TRUTH is; and the only TRUTH is LOVE. So, if an idea in your mind is unsettling to you; if a desire in your heart gives you some trepidation; if a behavior you engage in causes harm to another in any way, then it is not motivated by love. The likely motivation is fear.

Respect ourself, cherish others, preserve democracy and trust in Love – however you define love.

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